for health providers

improving your practice quality, scope & revenue

what do we do?

We improve your service quality, capability, scope and thus revenue, through the identification of innovative, latest generation products, diagnostics, technologies and services, leading to greater competitive advantage, more patients and a growing practice. We do what you would struggle to have the time and budget to do properly.

What Exactly?

We identify, follow, check the science on and liaise with the innovators and manufacturers of new products, technology and IT, with a view to evaluating its potential for improving care and/or competitiveness in the clinical arena. We then support the adoption of the carefully chosen products and technologies into our network of clinics.

Why So Important?

There’s a seismic movement in healthcare. More hospital care is being delivered in the community, more community care is shifting online and remotely, and all of this is driven by advances in diagnostics, medtech and service models. The point-of-care is changing. The practice that doesn’t keep up, withers over time or becomes uneconomic. The practice that embraces it, thrives and leads the future. It’s a choice.


We follow major trends and healthcare innovation closely, at every level from the system and population level down to the individual product or diagnostic level. We have target areas. We have extensive industry contact networks and we travel to key summits on healthcare and medtech advances. It’s our job to be in the know and make good choices.

Cost & Catch?

Neither. We do not charge practices for the services we perform. But then we will not work with just ‘any old practice’. The ‘price’ of working with AttoCaribbean is a commitment to grow and learn together over time. We derive our revenue from the product manufacturers, not the practice. However, our commitment to them is to only work with high-integrity, modern, growth-focused practices that will thus contribute to their product’s position and reputation.

integrated commercialisation model

integrated commercialisation model

Clinics & Providers

Enabling forward-looking providers wanting to lead their markets

Technology Companies

Identifying winning technologies that disrupt, improve or simplify

Business & Finance Leaders

Accessing our professional ecosystem to make things happen

Distribution & Support

Physical distribution network, adoption training and technical support

Market Access & Strategy

Providing insight, advice and access to a valuable & unique region

Clinics & Physicians

We are first and foremost an innovative, health-focused, rapid-growth (for all the right reasons) clinic in the Cayman Islands. Clinically, this is our home and our future. We identify, select carefully and deploy technologies to improve our diagnostic capability, ability to increase healthspan and lifespan and address patient needs in new and better ways. 

AttoCaribbean Ltd exists to take this further, by working with a small, select network of clinics and physicians throughout the region, to help them replicate what we do, and grow their practice in positive ways. By enabling you to lead your market, we forge a collaborative network of like-minded, high-integrity, high-growth practices that learn together and lead the region.


Collaborative Network


No Cost to Network Members


Future-proof and Reduce Risk


Strength in a Non-competing Group

Our Credentials

It’s not just an idea, it’s a successful history. The Founders of AttoCaribbean Ltd also set up and grew the Cayman Islands largest and fastest growing non-hospital, multi-specialty clinic using the exact same approach – identification of enabling, innovative, lastest-generation products, diagnostics and technologies that provided enhanced capability and competitive advantage. And now we have a new clinic to utilise this as its backbone growth process.

Our clinical and healthcare business heritage gives us a near-unique ability to see exactly how something can work and whether it is likely to prevail. We also don;t expect anybody to implement anything we are not doing ourselves!


Highly Successful Clinical Heritage


Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Medical Expertise


Pharma, Biotech, Diagnostics & Devices Business Background


Extensive Network

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